On Saturday the 31 August 2024, Senior Chief Kaomba of Kasungu hosted a significant cultural event for the Chewa Heritage Malawi (Chifukwato cha Chewa). The event took place at the Chankhanga Secondary School hall and was aimed at fostering unity among the Chewa/Mang’anja people across Malawi while celebrating their rich cultural heritage.

A key highlight of the event was the pouring of a libation (nsembe) to honor the Chewa ancestors and calling for guidance and protection from the creator through the ancestors. This ritual was led by Elder Mtemanyanja from the Chipembedzo cha Makolo a Chikuda in Blantyre.
Among those participating in the nsembe ceremony was Mai Soko from Chipembedzo cha Makolo a Chikuda in Blantyre, who had recently returned from a pilgrimage to Kapintiwa in the Dzalanyama Forest. During this pilgrimage, alongside Makewana of Msinja, Mai Soko also poured a libation to the Chewa ancestors on Friday the 30 August 2024.
Following the libation ceremony, Elder Mausako Ng’ombe from Blantyre delivered a profound lesson on the significance of the nsembe ritual among the Chewa people and its broader importance among Africans. He emphasized why it is critically important to incorporate the nsembe ritual into traditional activities among Africans.
The event was well-attended by senior chiefs and group village chiefs from the Chewa/Mang’anja communities of the Central and Southern Regions. Notable attendees included Senior Chief Kaluluma, Senior Chief Khwethemule, Senior Chief Kaomba, and Senior Chief Sosola.
Senior Chief Sosola delivered a key address on behalf of Paramount Chewa King Lundu. He announced that on 12 October 2024, the Chifukwato cha Chewa would hold its first national annual cultural event for the Chewa/Mang’anja people at Mbewe wa Nyangu in Chikwawa district, the residence of Paramount King Lundu. During this first annual gathering, a libation will also be poured to mark the beginning of the new season hence evoking blessings for good rains and bumper harvests.